Planning for College
Getting a college degree takes more than just studying. It takes planning. From searching for colleges to finding the right degrees for you and managing your finances along the way, CFNC has the information and tools you need to get there.
Find the Right College for You
You have lots of great college options. Our college search tool will help you narrow your search to find the school that fits your needs.
Take College Courses During High School
If you’re still in high school, learn how you can take college courses tuition-free through Career & College Promise.
Explore Programs & Majors
Not sure what to study in college? Use this tool to learn more about potential majors, and to match majors with your career interests.
Student Enrichment Programs
Want something impressive to put on those admission applications and resumes? Use this tool to explore summer programs, workshops, and other fun educational programs to help you prepare for college.
Money Management Skills
These financial literacy resources will give you the tools and skills you need to manage your money wisely.
Transfer Student Tools
Thinking of transferring colleges? This planner includes a list of transferable courses and other vital FAQs.
Students With Disabilities
Students with disabilities have unique needs and responsibilities. There’s a wide range of solutions available. Learn more about your options here.
College During High School?
College During High School?
See how one student earned her associate’s degree while still attending high school.