We will be conducting routine system maintenance beginning at 6 pm on Friday, February 28 until 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 2nd. If you experience any service disruptions on our website during this time, please return and try again later. We appreciate your patience as we work to better serve you.

How to Use the Practice Application

While colleges ask different questions on their applications, this practice application lets you see the types of questions you'll be asked, and gives you experience in navigating the CFNC application tool.

  • Navigation - use the tabs on the left to navigate to each section of the application
  • Entering your Information - type your answers in the corresponding fields or select your answers from the drop-down lists (where applicable). Be sure to supply answers to all required fields (*=Required).
  • Tracking your Progress - when all the required fields in a tab are completed, a checkmark will appear beside that tab's name in the left navigation. When all the tabs have checkmarks, you will be able to submit your application.
  • Errors - if there is an error in your information or a required field has not been completed, the system will identify those fields by displaying red error messages. Once this information is updated or corrected, the red error message will disappear. 
  • Saving my Application - CFNC admission applications save automatically every 5 minutes. There is also a Save Application button located at the bottom of the left navigation. If you attempt to save while having errors in your application, the incorrect data will be deleted and only the error-free data will be saved.
  • Submitting my Application - all tabs must be marked as completed before the Submit Application button will be active. Any tab without a checkmark will need to have information updated or corrected. 
  • After Submitting the Practice Application - since this is a practice application, it will not appear in your AppHub as a started or submitted application. However, you are allowed to go back into the Practice Application to review your answers, make changes, and even resubmit it. Simply return to this page and begin again. Note: This is NOT allowed for college admission applications. 

Please review your college admission applications before submitting them. You will not be able to make any changes to your college admission applications once they have been submitted.